Suppose you have started a new business. You will definitely try to make links with some of your existing customers , friends, competitors and some other people who will help you commercially. In the same when you are doing digital marketing you have to make links .Link building is the process of making links with different sites. The Link building should be with those sites that high domain authority. Those sites will pass link juice / authority to your site. The link that the other site will give you is called a back link . Back links are like vote of confidence that your site is trustworthy. When you are thinking of ranking your website you have to create back links . Back link is a very important factor for search engine optimization . When you are creating back links it is the quality of back links that matter and not quantity.Quality back links means sites that are seen positively by google and other search engines. In order to make quality back li...
This blog is related to internet marketing field. You will get relevant information regarding internet marketing, social media marketing , google analytic, webmaster, advertisement , mobile marketing, online reputation management, influential marketing,latest tricks of marketing